Queendom Relics by Rea'

Saturday, February 23, 2013

What Is This You Say ?

What is this you say?

Happy Saturday morning everybody! Are you ready for your weekend laugh?
This is the reason that you should never get up before 11:00 A.M. if you went to bed at 3:00 A.M. !
Okay ... so Tim Holt'z is hosting a Tattered Floral Challenge http://timholtz.com/tattered-floral-challenge/; you know how I LOVE Tim Holtz , so I'm thinking oh yeah that would be fun I have that die; what could I do that would be creative/ experimental... hum ? I got the BRIGHT idea  to use house hold items... dryer sheet, coffee sleeve, cardboard, styrofoam  and turkey carrier ( it's okay to laugh now) I'm still laughing as I'm doing this post). Okay so the first one was messy, it looked like this, I'm thinking ( or at least I thought I was "thinking"); there must be a better way to do it so the pieces don't go all over and cut up in these silly pieces (dah... I'm still not getting a clue! )... so I did it AGAIN  this time putting paper between the die and the turkey carrier ( I'm wiping tears now from laughing so hard), it did make a mess... BUT this time not directly on the die !!! OMG ... I CANNOT BELIEVE IT TOOK ME THAT LONG... to realize that's a BAD idea... or is it ???
You'll have to come back tomorrow or next week to see (after you stop laughing). Okay, I'm going to go eat brunch and get ready for a wedding ... that's what I should have been doing... darn that Tim... I get so excited what can I say, I wanted to get started... See you soon... it's okay I'm STILL LAUGHING !!!

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